Hair Removal

Diode Laser

We have invested in the very latest technology diode laser for hair removal from Formatak.

Engineers have designed and handcrafted each machine to order, which are medical grade, certified and FDA approved.

Due to being an international grade medical laser, you can expect to have achieved optimal results in up to 8 treatments, not like the 12+ required for inferior lasers. We guarantee our results*, and guarantee a more comfortable, quicker treatment in comparison with older technology and other inferior devices.

As laser hair removal has been around for several years, all our nursing staff and most of our skin therapy staff have used lasers in their roles, and all staff have had hair removal laser treatments previously. During our training when we were practicing on each other we were impressed at how pain free this laser is in comparison to all other models experienced before. This did not impact the results, with one staff member achieving hair removal in an area that was not very successful with an older style machine. We can all now personally recommend this laser for superior comfort and results.

You will notice an immediate reduction in hair after the first treatment. What grows back will be finer, less coarse and weaker. Achieve hair freedom only possible with laser hair removal

We offer a complimentary consultation and test patch. In this consultation we provide more in-depth information, cost per treatment, discuss our ‘Make Me Smooth’ treatment packages and payment plans.

Why diode laser and not IPL?

Research proves that diode lasers are the safest, fastest, and most efficient for permanent hair removal for clients of most skin tones. Diode lasers penetrates deeper than IPL with a more focused beam of light. Laser energy is attached to the colour of dark hair heating up the hair, dispersing heat and destroying the cells responsible for growing the hair. Treatments range from 4 – 8 weekly depending on area and treatment phase.